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License Executive Society USA & Canada

IP Year in Review

  • 11 Dec 2019
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

IP Year in Review

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Sheraton Hotel, Palo Alto, CA

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Registration & Networking Lunch

Thank you to our meeting sponsors:

Bunsow De Mory
Ocean Tomo
Richardson Oliver Group
Unified Patents

The LES Silicon Valley Chapter presents its annual “IP Year in Review” where intellectual property experts will review the key developments in IP law and practice in 2019. Key topics include: the patent transaction market, PTAB and IPR developments, USPTO developments, IP damages, and significant IP cases.

Denise De Mory, Managing Partner, Bunsow De Mory LLP
Denise is the Managing Partner of Bunsow De Mory and has litigated patent and other intellectual property cases for over twenty years. She has repeatedly been named one of California’s “Top Women Litigators” by The Daily Journal. Denise has significant trial experience, including a patent trial that resulted in a $61 million verdict for her client.  She was also a member of the United States Department of Justice’s trial team, in the U.S. v. Microsoft antitrust litigation.  Denise deposed executive-level Microsoft witnesses and the chief architect of Internet Explorer, and offered one of the government’s technical experts at trial.

Steve Koziol, Assistant Regional Director, West Coast Regional Office, USPTO
Steve joined the USPTO in 2007 as a patent examiner, and has managed teams of examiners in the computer graphics and digital imaging fields. He worked in the Rocky Mountain regional office of the USPTO in Denver, CO, where he led the design and implementation of various intellectual property outreach and education programs. He has also focused on the development of patent-specific programs within the USPTO, including the Post-Grant Outcomes program, AIA First Inventor to File implementation, AIPLA Partnering in Patents, and patent operations cost and fee modeling.

Bob Mazur, Managing Director, Ocean Tomo San Francisco
Bob is a Managing Director in Ocean Tomo’s Expert Testimony practice in San Francisco and has extensive accounting and finance experience across a variety of industries, including litigation consulting. His work for the last fifteen years has focused on the analysis and quantification of damages in over one hundred litigation cases involving intellectual property. Prior to joining Ocean Tomo, he was a litigation consultant at Degnan & Associates. In addition, Bob has over twenty-five years of experience in industry accounting and finance management positions, with over fifteen years of experience as a Chief Financial Officer.

Kent Richardson, CEO, Richardson Oliver Insights LLC
Kent counsels clients on a variety of patent and business matters including patent buying, selling, licensing, valuation, prosecution and operations. He has licensing and marketing patent portfolio experiences resulting in more than $600M of patent license bookings. Kent has served as an expert witness on patent monetization and licensing practices in cases in England and the United States. Prior to founding the ROL Group, Kent was the General Manager of ThinkFire Services USA, Ltd’s Silicon Valley office. Kent was also an attorney in private practice at Wilson Sonsini.

Jonathan Stroud, Chief Patent Counsel, Unified Patents Inc.
Jonathan manages an in-house team at Unified Patents responsible for inter partes reviews, Federal Circuit appeals, licensing, prior art searching, secondary market analysis, and district court litigation. He is an adjunct professor of law and was previously a patent attorney at Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner LLP; before that, he was a USPTO patent examiner for five years examining medical devices. He earned his J.D., with honors, from American University Washington College of Law; his B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Tulane University; and his M.A. in Print Journalism from the University of Southern California.

Moderator: Michael Zachary, Partner, Bunsow De Mory LLP
Michael focuses his practice on intellectual property litigation and licensing, and regularly represents clients in patent infringement, trade secret, trademark and other intellectual property litigation cases. He also counsels clients on a variety of technology and intellectual property agreements, including design and development, manufacturing and supply, product evaluation, and patent and trademark license agreements. He has represented large, mid-size, and start-up companies based in the United States, Japan and Europe, including Volkswagen, Bradium, Skype, Amazon, Wacom, PRISM Pharma and Boston Scientific. In 2016 and 2017, he was recognized as a California “IP Star” by Managing Intellectual Property.

CLE: 1.5 hours CLE credit available.

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