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License Executive Society USA & Canada

About the Licensing Executives Society
Silicon Valley Chapter

Advancing Intellectual Capital Management
The LES Silicon Valley Chapter Celebrates
 25 Years in the Silicon Valley!

Founded in 2000, the Silicon Valley Chapter of the Licensing Executives Society (U.S.A. & Canada), Inc. (LES-SVC) is rooted in one of the world’s most creative dynamic regions: Silicon Valley in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Our chapter’s mission is to assist company executives, attorneys, licensing consultants, engineers, academicians, scientists, government representatives, and others in improving and increasing knowledge, skills and techniques in the practice of licensing and intellectual property through numerous and consistent educational and networking opportunities.  See below for information on becoming an LES member!

Your LES Silicon Valley Chapter’s Mission

  • Assist you as a company executive, attorney, licensing consultant, engineer, academician, scientist, or government representative in improving and increasing your knowledge, skills and techniques in the practice of intellectual property and licensing
  • Provide numerous and consistent educational and networking opportunities
  • Further the objectives of the Licensing Executive Society (U.S.A. & Canada)
  • Be the voice of our local licensing and intellectual property community to monitor changes in the law and the practice of protecting intellectual property and licensing

    Your LES Silicon Valley Chapter’s Objectives

    • Provide chapter networking and educational programs with prominent and informative guest speakers from a variety of professional industries (presentations have included presenters from Google, Intel, Samsung, Visa, Dolby, SAP, General Electric, Qualcomm, Hewlett-Packard, Electronic Arts, Panasonic, Hyundai and more)
    • Support an active Chapter Sponsorship program to preserve the strength of and engagement within our community
    • Encourage membership and participation in the Licensing Executive Society (U.S.A. & Canada)

    Become an LES Member!

    The Licensing Executives Society (U.S.A. & Canada) (LES) is a non-profit, professional society directly involved in the transfer, sale, use and development of intellectual property, including professionals in the fields of law, academics, science and technology, in both the public and private sectors. 

    LES is a member society of the Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) with societies in some 90 countries. LESI functions as a non-profit professional organization that broadly supports LES in their efforts and provides LES members from the U.S. and Canada with the vast resources of the global LESI member network.


    Benefits of LES Membership

    As a member of LES you have the opportunity to better leverage your intellectual property to grow your business and protect intangible assets against risk through industry intelligence, engaging programming throughout the year, and standards development.

    What you gain as an LES member:

    • Networking and knowledge-through meetings, conferences, committees, educational courses, and Sector/Committee webinars
    • Over 40 LES chapters in the U.S. and Canada
    • Access to the LES global membership directory
    • Coveted industry benchmarking data
    • Industry journals and publications
    • Online Career Center
    • and more…
    License Executive Society USA & Canada

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